Health Scenario in Pakistan:
Health plays the key role in determining the human capital. Better health improves the efficiency and the productivity of the labor force, ultimately contributes the economic growth and leads to human welfare. To attain better the more skilful, efficient and productive human capital resources, governments subsidies the health care facilities for its people. In this regard, the public sector pays whole or some part of the cost of utilizing health care services. The size and distribution of these in-kind transfers to health sector differs from country to country but the fundamental question is how much these expenditures are productive and effective? It very much depends on the volume and the distribution of these expenditures among the people of different areas of the country. Besides the nature of the existing circumstances of the human resource, any marginal change in public sector spending on health services may have positive impact on the human capital and economic growth.
Pakistan is in the middle of epidemiological transition where almost 40 percent of total burden of disease (BOD) is accounted for by infectious/communicable diseases. These include diarrhea diseases, acute respiratory infections, malaria, tuberculosis, hepatitis B&C, and immunize childhood diseases. Another 12 percent is due to reproductive health problems. Nutritional deficiencies particularly iron deficiency anemia, Vitamin-A deficiency, iodine deficiency disorders account for further 6 percent of the total BOD. Non-communicable diseases (NCD), caused by sedentary life styles, environmental pollution, unhealthy dietary habits, smoking etc. including cardio vascular diseases, cerebro-vascular accidents, diabetes and cancers account for almost 10 percent of the BOD in Pakistan. With the increase in life expectancy, diseases/disabilities of old age especially eye problems, paralysis and bone diseases are also on rise. The drug addiction problem is growing especially in the youth. There are approximately 5 million addicts out of which 50 percent are heroin addicts. The growing threat of injecting drug users poses a great challenge when one considers the hidden cases of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis-C amongst the addict population.
In Pakistan, the probability of death under-five child mortality is at 97 per 1,000 live births with a life expectancy of 63 years. It can be seen that child mortality remains the major problem facing Pakistan. According to the WHO report 2008, figures on immunization of children under 12-months–age show that 33 percent did not get immunization against measles and 20 percent did not receive immunization against tuberculosis in Pakistan. The immunization includes treatment against tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, polio and measles. Immunization is the most cost-effective and highest-impact health intervention that reduces under-five child mortality and hospitalization and treatment costs during childhood.
In order to fulfill the health needs of the people of the vicinity regarding the human resources in medical education, Rawalpindi Medical College (RMC) is a prestigious government health institute that offers a diverse set of academic programs which are liked with advance medical research. All academic programs of the college are accredited by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan and Pakistan Medical and Dental Council.
Rawalpindi Medical College (RMC) was established in March 1974. The institution is rapidly picking up pace with the newer needs and growing trends in medical profession. In a short time, it has become a focus of medical education, training, patient care and research & development. The institution is blessed with highly qualified and trained teachers and consultants of national and International repute. Therefore medical students have rated it as the top most choice for their studies. With 1355 students studying to be doctors at Rawalpindi Medical College and learning practical procedures, over 6500 doctors have graduated from here over the thirty years.
Rawalpindi Medical College provides rigorous educational programs. A string core of liberal teaching is the basis on which undergraduates develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes essential foe successful work, living and active, concerned citizenship.
The college has a distinguished record of research and scholarships. Members of teaching staff have won some of the most prestigious awards made by government agencies and private foundations. The college takes pride in the many scholarly books and articles written by members of teaching staff and in their contributions to upgrade the facilities provided to the humanity. Wherever possible, students are involved in research projects, the results of which are integrated into related course of instructions.
Holy Family Hospital, Benazir Bhutto Hospital and District Headquarters Hospital along with three nursing schools are associated and working under the managerial control of Rawalpindi Medical College.
The Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi (HFH) was established in the year 1947 and is situated in Satellite Town. Holy Family Hospital is a teaching hospital and is attached with Rawalpindi Medical College. Total numbers of beds in different wards of the hospital are 850. Most of the clinical teachings of the students are done here. Hospital is fully equipped with the latest medical equipments.
Hospital has an emergency department that works 24 hours a day and receives emergency patients. Hospital is the biggest hospital in district Rawalpindi and receives the highest number of patients in the whole district. Hospital has two units of Surgery, Medicine, and Gynecology departments along with specialists of Cardiology, ENT, Pediatric, Eye and Pathology etc. Hospital has state of the Art Radiology Department including MRI and well-equipped critical/ intensive care unit.
Rawalpindi General Hospital renamed as Benazir Bhutto Hospital (BBH) to give tribute to former prime minister of Pakistan in year 2008. Benazir Bhutto Hospital, Rawalpindi a 680 functional bedded tertiary care teaching hospital, is allied with Rawalpindi Medical College. BBH is a center for undergraduate and Post Graduate studies in different disciplines of Medicine and Surgery.
Benazir Bhutto Hospital is a state of the art health facility, well equipped with advanced Diagnostic and Therapeutic Facilities and caters for a wide ranged of patient ranging from nearest districts of Rawalpindi. Besides usual specialties there are surgical sub specialties of Orthopaedic and Urology. Moreover it is the Regional WHO Collaboration Center for mental health.
District Head Quarters (DHQ) Hospital, Rawalpindi was declared as a teaching hospital and attached with Rawalpindi Medical College, Rawalpindi in 1975. It provides health care of the inner city of Rawalpindi and also serves a referral center for trauma patients. The following beds are also included in total bed strength:
• 20 Bedded police hospital with in the Hospital
• 19 Bedded emergency block
This hospital is presently working with 357 beds. Besides usual specialties it has subspecialties of Neurosurgery and TB/Chest medicine.
School of Nursing Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi, School of Nursing Benazir Bhutto Hospital and School of Nursing DHQ Hospital are attached with their respective hospitals. The main purpose of the nursing schools is to produce trained and skilled nurses, to build the capacity of the nurses in specialized fields such as midwives and to improve professional standard of nursing which will ultimately affect the better patient care.